My Teachers
Challakere brothers
My Veda recitation Guru and principal teacher – Srī M.S. Sreenivasan of the Challakere Brothers, lays great emphasis on the subtle rules of Vedic phonetics and constantly pushes me to improve the energetic element of the chanting. You see me here in the early stages of completing the study of the mantra Camakam. A challenging chant to learn, it has been the greatest gift to study the Rudram with Guruji.

SAKSHI trust
Through Dr. R.L. Kashyap’s works and teachings, I have been able to study the Vedas in a structured way and access the deeper meanings of Veda mantras. I’m currently studying a comprehensive course on Applied Veda Knowledge, with theory, chanting, meditation and practices based on important Veda mantras with the SAKSHI team of teachers and mentors.
Dr.Kashyap’s books inspire my study and influence all of my classes.

Neema & Surya
I study Vedanta with Neema and Sūrya from Discover Vedanta, who teach in a captivating way, with storytelling, chanting, guided meditations and interactive workshops. They have a wonderfully intelligent way of making you see, understand the live the teachings of the Bhagavad Gīta and the various Upaniṣads. They visit Brussels once a year to share their extensive knowledge with our student community. Their workshops are absolutely not to be missed!

Dr. M.A.Jayashree
I learn the source texts of Yoga with Dr.M.A Jayashree from Mysore, a renowned Sanskrit scholar. She teaches me the recitation and a method of structured study of the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali analyzing the Sanskrit etymology of the commentaries of this text. She is one of the founder’s of Anantha Research Foundation, a Sanskrit & Yoga research organisation.

Goda Gopal
I continue my Sanskrit study with Mrs.Goda Gopal, who has known me since I was 11 years old and is my former neighbour! I am currently practicing Sanskrit conversation with her through weekly classes. We have a simple method of assignment submission through What’sapp!! We meet every Monday for a session that includes conversation, exercises and homework corrections.

Radha Sundararajan
I studied with Radha Sundararajan, former head of Vedic chanting division of the Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram for a period of 2 years between 2015-2017. I studied with her one-to-one learning the application of Veda chanting in āsana, prāṇāyāma & meditation. Her teachings have been very important in helping me understand the benefits of chanting – physically, emotionally and spiritually. She continues her untiring dedication to sharing her teachings worldwide with an active travel and teaching schedule.

Mātā Ananthalakshmi Nataraj
I enjoy the great honour of being able to visit and study with my mother’s Guru māta Anathalakshmi Natarajan, a renowned scholar of Sanskrit and great devotee of Sankaracarya’s teachings. Her book in Kannada describing the meanings of the 1000 names of Goddess Lalitā (Lalitā Sahasranāma) has been approved and blessed by the Jagadguru of Śringeri. She works tirelessly to spread the knowledge of Sanskrit and the dharmaśāstrās (scriptures). Everytime I visit her to practice, there are always young students studying and preparing for Sanskrit exams in her home. I study the magnificent texts on the glory of Devi & Śiva– Soundaryalahari, Shivananda Lahari, Devi Mahātmyam etc with her. I treasure this picture (taken by my dad!) of the day I was initiated into the practice of Soundarya Lahiri. Her modest home, the light, the purity, her power, I’m in eternal gratitude to be in her presence.