Veda chanting for beginners
Pic: © dangdumrong shutterstock
An initiation for beginners into the practice of Veda chanting. If you would like a structured start to this practice, these experiential workshops will guide you through the strict framework of rules to follow, while helping you appreciate the immediate benefits of Veda recitation.
The oldest known Indian scriptures are the vast corpus of Sanskrit poetry termed as the Vedas. Considered to be a divine revelation to the Rishis of ancient India, Vedic Chanting is bound by strict adherence to six rules – Varṇa (pronunciation), Svara (chanting notes), Mātrā (duration) Balam (force), Sāma (continuity) and Santāna (punctuation). Adhyayanam or the process of study that involves repeating exactly as the teacher recites has preserved these rules for thousands of years.
It is precisely for this reason that Vedic chanting has been inscribed by the UNESCO as a masterpiece oral tradition and heritage from India.
By the end of this session you will:
– Have a brief overview of the landscape of the Vedic literature.
– Understand 3-4 benefits of Vedic chanting experientially including developing concentration and chanting as a meditation.
– Be able to read texts of mantras notated for Vedic chanting (like reading music) and practice with short beginner exercises.
– Learn and practice Mahāprāṇa sounds (aspirated Sanskrit sounds)- mastering this is the key to practising the recitation of Vedas.
– Understand the sacred approach to the practice of recitation of Vedas – lifestyle, honouring the Rishis, honouring the rules of recitation and creating a daily practice for yourself.
– Learn the invocatory mantras – Gaṇapati & Sarasvatī, the cosmic forces for perseverance and wisdom.
We also offer a 5 week comprehensive initiation program, via Zoom along with 5 self-paced online courses + workbook. Sign up for this FREE WEBINAR for details!
Next workshop: September 7, 2021 Learn More