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Agni mantras of Ṛg Veda – 19 & 20 June 5pm-7pm (CET) weekend workshop

Online on Zoom

Join us for this weekend workshop to learn the first hymn of 9 mantras in the Rig Veda dedicated to Agni. This hymn can be cultivated to be a beautiful daily practice, developing the power of the will within us, allowing us to do our work with supreme aspiration and keeping us untiringly on the path of yoga.


Veda chanting – foundation certificate course

Online on Zoom

I'm excited to offer an all new Foundation Program for Vedic chanting to give the best initiation to beginners to the practice. Through these 5 weeks of Live classes and guided self-study, students will understand how to get started with Vedic chanting as taught by Pundits of South India.


Lalitā Sahasranāma chanting – free event

Online on Zoom

Join us for this special event of chanting all 1000 sacred names of Lalitā in Stotra form or verses of praise for her beauty, grace and compassion. Reciting Lalita’s divine names is a process of inner transformation and a way of awakening Divine qualities within ourselves.

Gāyatrī mantra japa – free community event

Online on Zoom

Join me for the chanting of the Gāyatrī mantra which we will chant 108 times. 9 July 6pm-6.45pm Brussels time (please check your local times!!). I will present a short introduction to this mantra before we chant.

Guru pūrṇimā chanting – medhā dakṣiṇāmūrti japa

Online on Zoom

In the Vaidika tradition, we celebrate Gurupūrṇimā to honour our link to teachings that bring us closer to the spiritual goal we are seeking. The first full moon of the āṣāḍhā month in the Hindu calendar marks Gurupūrṇimā.  Join me to learn and chant the Medhā Dakṣiṇāmūrti mūla mantra 108 times.

Bhū – Goddess Earth mantra japa – free community class

Online on Zoom

Bhū or bhūmi is the globe or earth on which we live. It is a glorious place in the cosmos, for we find the marvel of life here. In the vision of the Vedas, Bhū is a divine entity, a devatā, one of the various forms of Īśvara's manifestation. (Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati)

Yoga Sūtras – Samādhi Pāda (Sept-Dec 2021 course) – sign up still possible!

Online on Zoom

A comprehensive course of 12 live classes (Zoom) on the first chapter of the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali with chanting and traditional commentaries of Vyāsa (and others - Vācaspati Miśra, Vijñānabhikṣu, Bhoja Rāja and Swami Hariharānanda etc). All students will receive access to an online self-paced course to support their study, with recordings of chanting, handouts and summaries. Replays of the Zoom classes will also be made available.


Vedic chanting – an introduction (free event)

Online on Zoom

Join me for this introduction class and learn:

- What are some basic rules of Vedic chanting?
- Where do these rules come from?
- Tonal exercises for chanting
- Learn a mantra suitable for beginners.

Gaṇeśa caturthi virtual celebration – starting Sept 10

Online on Zoom

Join us for a virtual Gaṇeśa caturthi celebration starting 10 September on Zoom. We will chant important Gaṇeśa mantras from the Veda followed by a japa. This will be followed by 5 days of chanting with Eddie Stern live on Instagram!

Veda chanting – foundation certificate course

Online on Zoom

I'm excited to offer this Foundation Program for Vedic chanting to give the best initiation to beginners to the practice. Through these 5 weeks of Live classes and guided self-study, students will understand how to get started with Vedic chanting as taught by Pundits of South India.


Introduction to Gaṇapati Atharvaśīrṣā & japa

Online on Zoom

This free community class will be a short introduction to The Gaṇapati Atharvaśīrṣā hymn followed by Oṃ gaṃ gaṇapataye namaḥ japa 108 times. All Vedic phonetics will be explained in detail.

Hymn of the sound of Truth – devī sūktam (navarātri sādhana)

Online on Zoom

Here, with extraordinary poetic power and in words reminiscent of the Proverbs of Solomon and of Dante, Vak, the Word, is exalted "beyond the Heavens and beyond this broad Earth." This word of knowledge, of wisdom - the sound of Truth itself - is the source and nourisher of Creation - Jean Le Mée


Mahāmṛtyuñjaya mantra japa – Friday community event

Online on Zoom

Join me for the chanting of the Mahāmṛtyuñjaya mantra which we will chant 108 times. 07 May 6pm-6.45pm Brussels time (please check your local times!!). I will briefly explain the pronunciation and significance of this mantra before we practice the mantra together.

This is a FREE class, open to all levels of students.

Durgā mantra navarātrī japa (free community event)

Online on Zoom

Join me to chant the Durgā gāyatrī mantra 108 times to celebrate the start of Navarātrī - the festival of 9 nights dedicated to the divine feminine. I will explain how Goddess Durgā is presented in the Veda before teaching Her mantra for japa.