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Śivamānasa pūja – Śivarātri workshop

Online on Zoom

Śivamānasa pūja is the mental performance of all the steps of a Pūja traditionally performed physically at an altar, thereby, creating an inner altar through this process. Composed by Śrī Śaṅkarācārya, this chant teaches us how to do a pūja quite vividly in our mind.


Liṅgāṣṭakam – Śiva as liṅga – a workshop

Online on Zoom

Liṅgāṣṭakam is an octet (8 verses) offering salutations to Śiva in the form of Liṅga, the source of all creation. We praise Śiva the divine, as creator and creation, manifest and unmanifest, in the Liṅga.
