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Practice practicalities – japa & pārāyaṇa

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Some of the key practices taught at Veda Studies include Japa (repetition of mantra), Pārāyaṇa (one time recitation of longer hymns), Upāsana (practices including saṅkalpa, prāṇāyāma, japa & contemplation). 
- We are always receiving emails from students with questions like:
- How many times should I repeat my mantra? Does it have to be 108?
- How should I prepare for my practice? What are some basic protocols to follow?
- What direction should I face during my practice? ...

Śivamānasa pūja – Śivarātri workshop

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Śivamānasa pūja is the mental performance of all the steps of a Pūja traditionally performed physically at an altar, thereby, creating an inner altar through this process. Composed by Śrī Śaṅkarācārya, this chant teaches us how to do a pūja quite vividly in our mind.


Rudram – an introduction

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Learning the Rudram is a serious commitment and tapas, requiring one to put forward their best effort during the learning process. In this free introduction, students will have an overview and will be able to learn the first few mantras of this magnificent hymn.

Śivarātri community event – mantra japa

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Śivarātri is the 14th day of the waning moon fortnight (kṛṣṇa pakṣa), dedicated to prayer and austerities. The planetary positions on this day are considered to create an astrologically beneficial condition for spiritual pursuits. Our mantra practice hold immense potential on this day.

Practice practicalities – women, rṣikā-s, brahmavādini-s

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When our practices are aligned with a lineage, we receive clear instructions, allowing a distraction free sādhana to guide our lives. In the Veda, we know of many Ṛṣikā-s (women seers) as well as Brahmavādini-s (women teachers). Women practitioners are sometimes faced with these questions:

Are women allowed to chant Veda?
Women are not allowed to chant the Gāyatrī mantra, what is your advice on this?
What are the instructions for practice during menstruation?...

Liṅgāṣṭakam – Śiva as liṅga – a workshop

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Liṅgāṣṭakam is an octet (8 verses) offering salutations to Śiva in the form of Liṅga, the source of all creation. We praise Śiva the divine, as creator and creation, manifest and unmanifest, in the Liṅga.


Chanting in a lineage – an introduction

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Join me for this introduction class and learn:

- What is Vedic chanting or more specifically chanting of Veda?
- Importance of learning in a lineage and in the context of tradition.
- The different types of chanting practices and how to distinguish between Vedic and other chanting.
- Illustrations through chanting of yoga sūtras, bhagavad gīta and Veda mantra examples.

Śrī Rudrapraśnaḥ – 1 year Sādhana – course has started!

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I'm excited to offer a one year study program on learning to the chant the most famous mantra & prayer to Lord Śiva or Rudra. Considered the most important sādhana a yogī can undertake, it provides the means for gaining eligibility for the knowledge unfolded by the mantra, revealing the truth of oneself. This hymn is also considered very efficacious in neutralising the result of wrong actions.


Veda chanting – foundation certificate course

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I'm excited to offer this Foundation Program for Vedic chanting to give the best initiation to beginners to the practice. Through these 6 weeks of Live classes and guided self-study, students will understand how to get started with Vedic chanting as taught by Pundits of South India.


Bhū & Nīḷā Sūktam – a hymn to mother Earth

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A course of 6 classes to learn the beautiful hymn to mother Earth Bhū Sūktam. Bhū or bhūmi is the globe or earth on which we live. It is a glorious place in the cosmos, for we find the marvel of life here. In the vision of the Vedas, Bhū is a divine entity, a devatā, one of the various forms of Īśvara's manifestation.
